Intraday Sell Pressure on FBNH, FCMB, Zenith Drags NGX Down
Equities investors are currently selling down shares in FBN Holdings, Zenith, FCMB, and UBA due to sustained risk off sentiment on banking stocks, according to intraday report from the Nigerian Exchange.
At mid-day, the NGX All Share Index displayed a downward trend to the tune of 0.10%, Alpha Morgan Capital Limited told investors via email.
Stockbrokers said this negative movement is attributed selling pressure in some mid to high cap stocks. FCMB share price has dropped by 3.42% during the midday trading sessions.
Market has priced down UBA by 2.17% while ZENITHBANK has lost 1.16% of its opening market valuation. FBNH is down 1.02% following notice over delay in financial report. Also, the NGX Banking Index is currently losing -0.76%, according to Alpha Morgan Capital Limited. # Intraday Sell Pressure on FBNH, FCMB, Zenith Drags NGX Down Shettima in Kebbi to Inaugurate Pilgrim’s flight to Saudi Arabia